Great and succint article about the necessary change Ida! Happy you mentioned "The messages we craft are making people buy more" because that is a topic I'm super passionate about. I'm advocating for mindful consumption by design.
I think DesignShift is an amaaazing idea, love the name and can't wait to read more of your writing about the topic. Epecially because I myself struggling to put change in practice. Like I agree, change is necessary, but how do we get started when we live in the capitalist system, and however conscientious designers we are, the metrics we hve to deliver on will always be "increase conversion", "increase uasagage", etc.
Would be great to collaborte on the topic of mindful consumptioon by design if you are planning to discover that in more depth.
Also would recommend the book: The New Designer which discusses exactely these necessary changes in the design profession. (although very theoretical still, hard to see the immediate change. nevertheless inspiring)