So many interesting thoughts in this article! I especially liked the one about human-centered design, because I've been thinking along the same lines. UX is used as a commercial tool, to get users to do what is best for the business, not for the user. Good for the business can mean keeping the user on the platform for long to gather data for sure, but it can also mean sell products to them. And here I would like to add a thought that I missed from the article: UX also has an impact on the environment. Because, you know, the more we buy, the more we hurt the planet, and UX has its part to play when it comes to consumption: e-commerce websites use persuasion, dark patterns gamification etc. to make users buy, potentially more than they need. So if I'm losing faith in UX, is because I'm thinking about how designers do everything they can to build e-commerce websites to maximize sales without thinking about the environmental consequences. But as we said: it is all about the business. So as long as the business model is: sell as much as possible, what can UX designers do? Any thoughts on this?